Saturday, October 25, 2008

Africa blog

At this time, the "Jeff's Journey" blog contains only one "journey" -- the one I made during the month of May to six countries in Africa. Anyone visiting here to read about that journey will find it most helpful to start at the beginning and read chronologically -- beginning with the pre-trip description posted in April, and then the (almost) daily blogging during the month of May, along with a few post-trip reflections in June.

Otherwise, this blog is inactive for the present. I had hoped that perhaps once I got into the groove of blogging on the journey through Africa that I would be able to continue once I was back, but I haven't done that. Stay tuned, however! In March I will begin a six-month sabbatical, during which I plan to continue my journey to places far and near. I hope to be blogging from Red Sox spring training in Florida, from England and Denmark, Japan, South Africa, and the west coast of the US, where my son, George, and I plan to bike from Canada to Mexico on the Pacific Coast Highway (that's bicycles -- not the motorcycle that we rode from coast to coast a few years ago).

Thanks for stopping by! And blessings on your journey!