Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Beginning to think of Africa again

I have not blogged since our trip to Haiti in January. My only travel since then has been within the US -- three trips to Oregon to see our kids and our new grandson, a trip to Louisiana for continuing education, and a couple of trips to Indiana to see my parents.

Otherwise, I've been busy right here on the job at Christ Church in Andover.  The building project and organ installation are nearing completion.  We will have our first Sunday back in the church this week -- Advent I -- with two morning services and an evening service of Advent Lessons and Carols.

But I am now planning my next trip to Africa, which is to take place in May 2012. I will be leading a group from our parish to Rwanda, together with members of Parish of the Epiphany in Winchester, and their rector, Thomas Brown. Very happy to be returning to a place that has left an indelible imprint on my life and ministry, and happy to be sharing that experience with others.

 More later!